Alexey Zakhlestin's Blog

Programming for Mac and Web

Chronograph 1.4.0


Today, I am introducing Chronograph 1.4, latest version of our Time Tracking application for Mac OS X.

We consider it a minor release, yet, it adds some nice additions to the feature set.

1. Idleness Detection

Did you ever find yourself in situation, when you start time-tracking for the task, walk away from the computer and just forget about it. Then, you find all this time tracked. Sure, you can edit time post factum, but still there’s a need to figure out how much time you actually spent working.

Here’s the solution:

  • Open Preferences… and set ”Minutes of idle time allowed(point 1) to some value larger than zero.
  • Whenever you run track time and computer is idle for this amount of minutes a new dialog will jump out (point 2), which will allow you to record only the time before idleness started. Additional notifications will be shown in menubar (point 3) and dock (point 4)

Setting it back to 0 will disable idleness detection.

2. New Report Modes

Chronograph 1.3 report facilities allow you to see how much time did you spend daily on Task or Project during requested period.

Chronograph 1.4 goes further and introduces 3 new kinds of reports

A. Detailed report for Task/Project

shows all sessions of tracked time during requested period

B. Grouped report for Project

shows how much time you spent daily during requested period grouped by Task

C. Grouped Detailed report for Project

shows all sessions of tracked time during requested period grouped by Task

3. Time in menubar area

There’s a new pull down menu in Preferences called ”Show time in menu bar(point 6). Default is ”none”, which means that only icon is shown in menubar, but you can also chose tho show Session time, total Task time and total Project time. Example is shown on (point 5)

4. Reworked timer sheet

We’re not longer showing spinning circle in timer sheet. Instead, we show you current Session time and either total Task time or total Project time. To switch between task/project time just click on time shown.

You can get this version here: Chronograph 1.4.0.dmg
